The PolygenRx Platform
Our Results
Our platform has been subjected to extensive pre-clinical validation using genetic data from hundreds of thousands of participants. This work has produced exciting results that has been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.
The pharmagenic enrichment score methodology, developed by our scientists, has recently been featured in papers published in the highly-ranked prestigious journals, Nature Communications and Nature Reviews Genetics.
Key Advantage
Versatility provides for universal and cost effective application
A key advantage of our platform is flexibility and scalability, in stark contrast to existing approaches for genetics informed precision medicine which are orientated around either a single disease or drug. We have published data from large cohorts for multiple disorders: including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, lung disorders, and pneumonia. Our approach can be applied to practically any disorder which has sufficient genetic data available, including applications in cardiology, oncology, ophthalmology, neurology and immunology. In addition, our platform is quick and cost-effective to implement without need for long periods of analysis and computation.
Our platform reveals clinically actionable genetic architecture
The pharmagenic enrichment score approach has been demonstrated to identify individuals with elevated genetic risk within biological systems that can be targeted by drugs. Importantly, this includes patients who otherwise have low overall genetic risk for a disorder when assessed using the traditional approach taking the entire DNA sequence (genome) into account. In other words, genetic risk identified by our platform related to the mode of action of drugs is more sensitive for treatment formulation than risk information from throughout the genome. For example, in schizophrenia we have shown that patients with low genome-wide genetic risk are more likely to have high risk in clinically-actionable pathways, revealed by our platform, which can be targeted by candidate drugs. Our extensive preclinical data supports that our platform provides insights that are unique and informative for treatment.
Next Steps
We are now establishing clinical trials comparing the performance of our platforms genetically guided treatment plan for individuals to the standard of care guidelines. These studies are scheduled to begin in 2024.
Reay, R.W., Clarke, E., et al
Circulation (2023)
Reay, W.R., Geaghan, M.P., 23andMe Research Team., et al
Nature Communications (2022)
Reay R.W., El Shair, S.I., Geaghan, M.P., et al
eLife (2021)
Reay RW, Atkins JR, Carr VJ, Green MJ, Cairns MJ
American Journal of Human Genetics (2022)
Nature Review Genetics (2021)
Reay, R.W., Atkins, J.R., Carr, V.J., et al
Scientific Reports (2020)